Saturday, March 3, 2012


If you have ever looked up at the top and thought, "Hey, I think I'll look up that verse reference she has there on her blogger header" only to find that Philippians 91:4 doesn't exist....I'm soo sorry! Woops!

I needed to reference this verse today:

"He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection."

I knew this was the verse I needed and couldn't remember the bible address so I thought I would just look on my blog and find it quickly. I decided for whatever reason to double check this reference on my phone ( I was out painting) only to continually get a "no results" answer. I kept wondering what in the world was going on...then it dawned on me...I had the wrong bible reference! OMGOODNESS! That verse is actually found in PSALM 91:4 and in my haste to finish my blogger header a few months ago, I totally typed the wrong thing! WOOPS! To say I am embarrassed is an understatement! :)

So, I corrected the reference in my header and will never, ever forget this verse or its reference. :) And once again, if you were ever left wondering if maybe your manufacturer accidentally left out your Philippians book 91 ;), I'm seriously sorry! :)

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!